Elbow + Arm Pain

We understand how debilitating elbow pain can be. Elbow pain is particularly common among people who play sports and people who do skilled manual work. 

There are many kinds of elbow pain, including: golfers elbow (inside of the elbow), tennis elbow (outside of the elbow), elbow arthritis, osteochondritis dissecans, elbow bursitis, entrapped nerves, stress fractures or a broken arm.

Depending on the condition, elbow pain can be sharp, stabbing, have a dull ache, be stiff or have painful movement.

What causes elbow pain?

  • Trauma

  • Repetitive micro-trauma (golfers/tennis elbow)

  • Overuse (manual labour)

  • Poor posture (shoulders rounding forward)

  • Inflammation

Once other diseases or fractures have been ruled out, the primary cause of elbow pain is mechanical in nature. Poor alignment/posture of the neck and shoulder will often put pressure further ‘downstream’ of the elbow. 

If the bones of your spine are not aligned well, it can place added pressure on the bones, ligaments, muscles, discs and nerves surrounding the neck, which can refer pain down into the elbow.

This alignment issue creates all kinds of pain and dysfunction in the elbow.

Or the issue might be arising locally at the site of the elbow from things like repetitive strain injuries, which are common in manual workers. 

How does Chiropractic help with elbow pain?

At Apex Chiropractic we take a holistic approach to helping you. Assessing your entire body, rather than just looking at your elbow in isolation. A key factor in our treatment is the assessment of the shoulder and cervical spine, as dysfunction in these areas can create issues in the elbow. Treatment options may include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments

  • Soft Tissue Therapy

  • Dry Needling

  • Rehabilitation Exercises

  • Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Referral and Co-Management

Prevention and education:

In order to help you experience lasting results outside of our practice, our team will equip you with knowledge on how to prevent future injuries, give you sound ergonomic advice, as well as prescribe specific rehabilitation exercises just for you.

For your next appointment with our chiropractors, book online today.

Meet Adam Nardi

Dr Adam Nardi (Chiropractor) is here to help you on your health journey. Meet our team before you arrive into the practice.

Ready to take the first step toward a healthier you?

Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals!