
Pregnancy brings about significant physiological changes in the body, often leading to increased stress on the spine, muscles, and ligaments. At Apex Chiropractic, we frequently see expectant mothers seeking relief from a variety of pregnancy-related conditions, including back pain, neck discomfort, and issues related to weight-bearing.

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy:

Throughout pregnancy, many women experience lower back pain and posterior pelvic discomfort, making simple tasks like sitting, standing, bending, or lifting particularly challenging. This discomfort often manifests as deep pain below and to the side of the stomach, extending to the coccyx, and may also involve pubic pain.

Chiropractic treatment offers a potential solution to alleviate pregnancy-related pain. Our approach is tailored to each stage of pregnancy, utilising gentle techniques to enhance spinal function and adjust posture, thereby promoting greater comfort throughout the pregnancy journey.

During sessions, we provide specially designed pillows and equipment to accommodate the growing pregnant belly, ensuring maximum comfort and safety throughout the treatment process.

Useful tips during pregnancy

Here are our top 10 tips to reduce discomfort and pain during pregnancy:

  1. Practice good posture to alleviate strain on your spine and support your growing belly.

  2. Use supportive footwear and avoid high heels, which can exacerbate back and hip pain.

  3. Engage in regular exercise, such as prenatal yoga or swimming, to improve circulation and reduce discomfort.

  4. Use pregnancy pillows or supports to maintain a comfortable sleeping position and alleviate pressure on your back and hips.

  5. Apply heat or cold therapy to alleviate muscle tension and reduce pain in your lower back and hips.

  6. Take regular breaks from sitting and standing to move and stretch throughout the day.

  7. Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

  8. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to support healthy circulation and prevent dehydration.

  9. Attend prenatal chiropractic appointments to address any spinal misalignments and alleviate discomfort.

  10. Seek prenatal massage therapy to reduce muscle tension, promote relaxation, and alleviate pain associated with pregnancy.

Reach out to us to learn more about how chiropractic care can help enhance your comfort and well-being during pregnancy.

Meet Adam Nardi

Dr Adam Nardi (Chiropractor) is here to help you on your health journey. Meet our team before you arrive into the practice.

Ready to take the first step toward a healthier you?

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